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A place of love, healing & deliverance for God's beloveds...

community outreach Events

Monthly Community Enrichment Webinars & Workshops 


Outreach Ministry

Feeding, ministering, praying, witnessing, and providing clothing and toiletries for the community and homeless; assisting at nursing homes, group homes, sick and shut in ect...

Evangelism ministry

Soul-winning, discipleship, ministering, praying and witnessing to the lost that souls will be won for Jesus Christ. 

"pop up" church

Taking church out of the four walls to those who aren't able to attend church service due to work, illness, disabilities or lack of transportation. Bringing church  to local stores, restaurants, homes and neighborhoods etc...


Thanksgiving and Christmas donations. Thanksgiving baskets, Christmas toys, dinners or gift cards for families in need.

Toy drive/ give-a-way

Toy donations to children during the Christmas Holiday to assist families in need.

Clothing, Coat & blanket drive/


Donating clothing throughout the year. Coats and blankets during the winter months.

"Back 2 School 

is cool"

A fun filled back to school event donating  backpacks, school supplies, food or gift cards to children and families in need.

Youth vacation

bible School "VBS"

Bible teachings for all ages, fun bible activities, recreation, food and fun during summer break.

church OUTINGS

Outings with family and friends. Fun activities, games and fellowship for all groups and ages.

Enrichment  Gatherings & Empowerment Sessions

Group sessions and gatherings for youth, women, men, singles and married couples.


Community Enrichment Webinars & Workshops

Licensed facilitators and certified professionals rendering their services free to the public.

Help us Help others

Abundant Reign Ministry is an active part of the community. We feed families in need and the homeless. We also provide toiletries and clothing for them . We volunteer and serve at nursing homes, group homes and shelters. We visit homes of the sick and shut in to assist and to have in home "Church Service" with them. We also have "Pop Up Church" with neighboring stores in the Community. We bring Church to those who are unable to attend Church Services.


We host Enrichment Webinars and Workshops for the Community. We educate, teach, train, equip and develop in various areas of giftings, callings and trades. Our facilitators are trained, licensed and certified professionals rendering their services free to the public.


Annually we have a "Back To School Is Cool" event for the youth. A fun filled day for the community with free food, live entertainment, games, prizes, give-a-ways, free backpacks and free school supplies. We've also provided free hairdos and haircuts by licensed and professional cosmetologists and barbers, who freely rendered their services for the cause. We've also had community talent shows. As well as Motivational Speakers, College Athletes, Police Officers, Certified Life Coaches; and other professionals and artists in the music and entertainment industry to encourage and inspire the youth.


Each year during the holidays we provide Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Toys to families in need. We also give away gift cards to assist families in the community during the Holiday Season. As well as, blessing shoppers with gift cards in stores while they shop. Receiving your donations would help us greatly to continue our endeavors and commitment to serving the community. All donations are tax deductible. Thank you for your contributions.





Apostle Dr. Dedric D. Perry, Founder

Natasha Mason, Pastor


"May God's perpetual blessings be multiplied unto you in Jesus name" Luke 6:38


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All donations are tax deductible 

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