A place of love, healing & deliverance for God's beloveds...
Ministries & Auxiliary Teams
Marriage Ministry
Marriage Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to prepare engaged couples for a life-long God glorifying marriage. We assist them in the preparation of their wedding ceremony and provide useful resources after the wedding to help the couple maintain and enrich their marital relationship. This ministry is also designed to help restore and rebuild struggling or broken marriages by offering spiritual guidance through the word of God and other helpful resources. This ministry offers pre-marital and marital guidance, couples bible studies, marriage retreats, conferences, workshops, enrichment classes, bi and various activities for married couples, including couples date night.
Singles Ministry
Singles Ministry
This ministry is designed to encourage singles to live holy and faithful lives unto the Lord in their singleness. Teaching singles through the word of God, how to live “Single and Satisfied”. This ministry is designed to encourage singles through singles retreats, conferences, workshops, enrichment classes, group outings and various activities for singles.
Women's Ministry
Women's Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to encourage women to live as true “Women of God’s Glory”. By equipping them through the word of God on how to walk in God’s love and exemplify His manifested power and glory through their lives daily. Being made strong by wisdom, grace and the fear of the Lord. Living in accordance with God’s will for their lives. This ministry offers women conferences, workshops, retreats, “sister-to-sister” enrichment sessions and women empowerment outings.
Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry
This ministry is designed to empower and edify men to live as “Men of Valor”. By strengthening them through the word of God and encouraging them to live as true men of God. This ministry’s desire is to see men demonstrate God’s power daily as loving, strong, and brave, God fearing men that will live according to God’s standards for their lives. This ministry offers men retreats, conferences, workshops, “brother-to-brother” enrichment meetings and men empowerment outings.
Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry
Through this ministry, we help our youth gain a closer relationship with Christ by providing them with spiritual tools, guidance and support. We are passionate about our youth becoming all that God has called them to be. Encouraging and ensuring them of their “Purpose, Call and Destiny”. We help them to understand “whose and who” they are in God, and in their lives. Our purpose is to help raise and develop future leaders that will live according to God’s plan. By teaching them God’s Word and assisting in the training and developmental stages of their lives. This ministry offers youth bible studies, conferences, retreats, youth outings by age groups, as well as, “Real Talk” youth group sessions, life enrichment classes that will promote natural and spiritual growth.
Evangelism-Outreach Ministry
Evangelism-Outreach Ministry
Is a ministry that personally reaches out to minister to souls in the name of Jesus Christ. We invite them to become children of God and Kingdom Citizens through God's saving grace, and through encouraging them to develop a personal relationship with God. Our goal is to strengthen them through the word of God, equipping and empowering them for God’s service. Within this ministry we are dedicated to spreading the Gospel “The Good News” of Jesus Christ throughout our communities. By sharing our personal testimonies of what Christ has done for us, with the sole desire of seeing souls delivered and set free by the power of God. This ministry has community outreach events. We feed and clothe the homeless, visit nursing homes, schools, prisons, shelters, hospitals, and other forms of outreach to fulfill God's work in the community.
Pastoral Care Ministry
Pastoral Care Ministry
Is a ministry of serving the Pastors’ ministry needs during services, while traveling and during ministry assignments. This ministry team tends to the immediate needs, cares and concerns of the Pastor to ensure the Pastor's comfortability and a conducive atmosphere for ministry service.
Helping Hands Ministry
Helping Hands Ministry
This is a ministry that serves as a helping hand, to assist the needs of its members. Abundant Reign Ministry believes that there should be “Not One Feeble One Among Us” (Psalms 105:37). This ministry is responsible for implementing strategies that will collectively bring resources together. Assisting in the area of food, clothing, shelter and other helpful resources; as well as, financial budgeting and planning. This ministry also aids the sick and shut in. As well as, being a support to families during their time of bereavement.
Hospitality & Ministry of Helps Auxiliary
Hospitality & Ministry of Helps Auxiliary
Through the ministry of servitude, this ministry assists and accommodates the needs, concerns and request of our special guests, as well as, special services. They plan, prepare, organize and oversee the affairs of both. Ensuring that our guests; as well as their guests are comfortable, well taking care of and have a pleasant stay. This ministry also, prepares gift baskets/ bags for our guests as a token of our love and to show forth our gratitude and appreciation for their ministry servitude. This ministry also assists other-in- house ministries, auxiliaries and teams whenever needed. They also ensure the maintenance, upkeep and cleanliness of Abundant Reign Ministry services and events.
The Ministry of Arts
The Ministry of Arts
Is a ministry of worship, ministering and ushering in the presence of the Lord creatively through the arts. This ministry’s ultimate desire is to worship the Father in spirit and truth through the ministry gift of arts. This ministry includes, praise and worship, song, gospel rap, dance (praise, liturgical, step and mime), drama, poetry, prophetic painting and much more. This ministry is committed to serving God wholeheartedly through natural gifts and talents.
Intercessory Prayer
Intercessory Prayer
Is a ministry of prayer that intercedes on the behalf of Abundant Reign Ministry, its leaders and members. This ministry requires discipline, a strong prayer life and a life of faith. Within this ministry our prayer warriors touch and agree and stand in the gap for the believers; their families, their affairs and well-being by intercepting the plots and plans of the enemy through prayer. "Watchmen" of Abundant Reign Ministry.
Ushers/Greeters Auxiliary
Ushers/Greeters Auxiliary
The purpose of this ministry is to greet and welcome our guests with love, as well as providing a pleasant atmosphere during our services. This ministry also tends to the immediate needs, cares and concerns of the congregation, As well as, providing instructions and information in an effort to maintain a conducive atmosphere for ministry service. "Gatekeepers" of Abundant Reign Ministry.
Armor- Bearer Ministry
Armor- Bearer Ministry
This ministry requires much discipline, a strong prayer life and a life of faith. Serving as, “Watchmen on the wall”. Providing spiritual covering for our leaders through servitude and prayer. This ministry attends to the needs of its leaders during services as well as travel and ministry assignments.
Leadership and
M.I.T Training
Leadership and
M.I.T Training
This training is for potential leaders and ministers who have accepted the call of God upon their lives. Those willing to take on the responsibility that God has placed in their lives. Being of great influence in the body of Christ, as well as, on the earth realm. Through leading by example, and demonstrating the true nature and ministry of Jesus Christ to the world as a minister of the gospel. This training also focuses on gift assessment (locating your God given gifts and talents, spiritually and naturally) and much more.
Event Team
Event Team
Is designed to promote unity and a sense of community within Abundant Reign Ministry, and the body of Christ. Through activities, events and outings. This ministry also coordinates our conferences and workshops.
Visitor Care Team
Visitor Care Team
This team is responsible for making sure visitors fill out a visitors card on the day of their visit and records visitor information. This team also makes courtesy calls to our visitors, thanking and inviting them to worship with us again.
New Membership Team
New Membership Team
This team records New Members information, as well as, assisting with New Members orientation and classes.
Birthday Team
Birthday Team
This team celebrates all its members “Birthdays of the Month” by presenting them with a token of our love.
Media Team
Media Team
This team is responsible for capturing pictures and video clips during services, special events and special occasions for the sole purpose of advertisement for Abundant Reign Ministry’s website, Facebook page, YouTube channels and any other forms of social media network.
Security Team
Security Team
This team’s responsibility is to provide safety for Abundant Reign Ministry, its leaders, members and visitors. As well as, assisting in maintaining peace and order in the House of the Lord, and its grounds.
The School of Excellence Team
The School of Excellence Team
This team's purpose is to offer counsel, guidance and plans to assist the body of Christ in becoming better "stewards" over what God has given to us naturally and spiritually. The purpose of this ministry team is to facilitate workshops, seminars and training sessions to educate people on how to properly balance the natural and spiritual; bridging the gap between the two. That we may walk in God's abundance and purpose for our lives spiritually, economically, financially, mentally, emotionally and physically. This ministry includes, church and marketplace protocol and etiquette; financial planning and budgeting; entrepreneur development and business affairs.